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Saturday, April 17, 2010


Now we have baby ducks. They are Indian Runner Ducks, or as we like to call them...

Stand-Up Ducks

Here is a link to see some images of full grown Runners

But these ones on the right are ours. The Images are kinda pink because of the heat lamp on them. We will get some better photos soon.

Our chicken chicks are doing really well, and we have two turkey poults that are really weird looking. If you have never seen a baby turkey, they look a lot like a creepy down covered dinosaur. But really small. Photos of them will be coming as well.

The garden is going in a bit at a time. We have onions and potatoes planted, and we put in 40 strawberry plants. The strawberry plants are in a permanent bed that we will harvest from all year. 20 of the plants are June bearing Honeoyes, which as the name implies will give us a bunch of berries in June for canning and freezing. The other 20 are Ozark Beauties, Which bear all season for fresh picking and eating all summer.

The onions and potatoes are planted in the rotating garden to keep diseases at bay. We are doing a type of deep double digging method of planting. Basically we use our little Mantis tiller to till up a row about 1 foot wide, dig out the soil, and till again. Dig that out, till one more time and add compost or manure, till that together then put all the dirt back. What we end up with is a foot deep trench with good fertilizer at the bottom, and very loose and clean soil on top in a long row type hill. Really good for deep rooting plants.

That's it for now.


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